MastermindsMeet, chat, and learn with other marketing professionals over zoom. These informal gatherings are meant to help you connect with peers so you can share information and learn from each other. Each meeting will focus on a different topic related to the overarching mastermind theme. Come ready to brainstorm ideas and make lasting connections. Marketing Leadership Mastermind GroupMeets bi-monthly on the first Tuesday of every other month from 7:30-8:30 a.m. Discuss lead generation campaigns, competitor research, marketing metrics, new MarTech trends, social media advancements, and managing budgets with a small group of marketers in leadership roles. Build connections and bounce questions and ideas off of industry peers at this informal group. JOIN LEADERSHIP MASTERMIND Event Marketers Mastermind GroupMeets monthly on the first Tuesday of each month from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Discuss hosting in-person events safely, setting ROI for event promotions, developing new audiences, event sponsorships, working with vendors, personalization, software, and self-care during those busy event days with a small group of event marketers. Build connections and bounce questions and ideas off of industry peers at this informal group. JOIN EVENTS MASTERMIND |